Simplify the booking experience and control company costs
Start Free TrialPixobooking is so much more than a booking software, it is an integrated all-in-one platform to seamlessly run and grow every aspect of your activity business.
Streamline your tour operations and achieve sales growth.
Your first 14 days will always be free, even if you decide to purchase during this time.
And if you feel like pixo booking software is not for you, no hard feelings. So why not get started today?
Our user friendly online user interface will allow customers to book tours and activities online 24/7.
Pixo Booking can be configured to book different types of tours and activities and has functions based on types.
We support the integration of the big players like Paypal right through to gateways that might be more specific to your region.
Being able to manage your business and bookings with ease through free up your time to develop your business and focus on your customers.
Do let the boring administrative work can stand in the way of growing your business. Use Pixo booking to mange your bookings.
Our UI design will give the customers an easy to useexperience when they do booking with our system.
Pixo booking allows you to manage your resources for your tour operations, you can configure Pixo booking to share resources with different tours.
Pixo Booking has passenger manifest and other reports in the system for day to day management of the tours and activities .
Your first 14 days will always be free, even if you decide to purchase during this time.
And if you feel like pixo booking software is not for you, no hard feelings. So why not get started today?
Manage your business
Accelerate growth for your business
Accelerated and optimise your business
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